Avoid these mistakes in the resume
If you are looking for a good job then you will have an updated resume. Most Young Resumes While preparing, do not think too much, while this may be your first impression. is . Know what mistakes should be avoided when creating resumes (1) Do not tell soft skills – avoid writing in soft skills … Read more
How does rust on iron feel ?
If an iron knife, hammer screwdriver or any other tool is kept in a moist place for a few days, then these things will be replaced by a brown color layer. is . This is called the world. The world is actually iron oxide. When the iron atom combines with oxygen. So iron oxide … Read more
How to improve your Talent in office ?
If you are in the product and technology company then there are times when you are not connected to a project. At such times you have to keep yourself active. For this, you should make the right use of time. Know What to do – Keep updated – You should constantly focus on your skills … Read more
Always keep your importance : story
In an auditorium, the speaker took a note of two thousand rupees from Pocket and waving in the wind, asked the people, who among you – wants to get it. ‘The hands of everyone in the meeting rose up. He wired the note and threw it on the ground and put the floor dust on … Read more
Don’t be late : story
The railway platform waits for three friends – they are upset. That was what was going on long enough. All of them thought of coming back to market to cut the time, which was just outside the railway station. When the three platforms reached the market, they found that the train they were standing for … Read more
What is black box
During the flight of the airplane, all the information about it goes to one place. The speed of the plane, the height of the engine and other instruments, the interaction of travelers and pilots is recorded. Analyzing these information, the reasons for the accident are identified in case of an accident. This is also called … Read more
Tech news : Your phone is now your power bank
Today almost everyone has a smartphone There are many unique features in the smartphone, which you can not find in the basic feature phone. But the features of the feature phone can not be denied. How would you feel if you got a big screen, battery, box speaker and memory in the feature phone? There … Read more
Success story
What is a black box? During the flight of the airplane, all the information about it goes to one place. The speed of the plane, the height of the engine and other instruments, the interaction of travelers and pilots is recorded. Analyzing these information, the reasons for the accident are identified in case of an … Read more