Home workplace: we spent € 400 million on office products


We have started working from home en masse since the corona virus bke out last year. It was a logical step to prevent further spread of the virus on the company floor. But we are now almost a year further. And that much working from home seems to be becoming the norm. It is up to you, or to your boss, to make sure that you are fully equipped at home. Staying effective you do with these 5 tips. And then one helps healthy and productive workplace certainly with it. So it makes sense that we have bought many office products for the home workplace in recent months. More than two in five (44%) home workers bought stuff for the home workplace during the corona crisis. Half of all home workers (48%) did not receive a contribution from the employer for this. Thus, the Home Work Monitor.

€ 400 million in office products

More than two in five home workers (44%) have now bought office products for the home workplace. On average they spent about € 359 on this. This amounts to almost € 400 million in office products for the whole of the Netherlands. Most of this consists of computer accessories and furniture. A quarter of the home workers (25%) optimized the workplace without buying anything.

Computer screens and office chairs

The main office products that people bought are computer screens (30%) and office chairs (30%). A quarter of the home workers have purchased a desk (25%). An almost equal share bought laptops (12%) and laptop stands (12%). Printers are a lot less popular at 5%. And there was about 4% who ordered a coffee machine especially for the home office, you also want a nice cup of coffee at home to start the day.

IKEA, Coolblue and bol.com

Desks (49%) were mainly bought in physical stores. Office chairs (39%) were mainly purchased online. Home workers most often ordered both products IKEA. In contrast, both laptop stands (64%) and computer screens (49%) were again more often bought online. The main purchasing channels for this were Coolblue and bol.com.

[Fotocredits © fizkes – Adobe Stock]


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