Telegram continues to release new functionalities. In a new feature, Telegram makes it easier to migrate chat history from other apps such as WhatsApp, LINE and KakaoTalk to Telegram. This has made the switch from WhatsApp to Telegram a lot easier. The company announced this in a Thursday blog post.
Telegram wants to make it easier for users of other apps to switch. According to the service, more than 100 million users joined the service in January. Its popularity is mainly due to the increasing pressure on WhatsApp for privacy.
WhatsApp export function
Via an export function in WhatsApp it is possible to move the messages to Telegram. According to Telegram, the messages are stored in Telegram’s cloud and not on the phone.
For Android it is possible to convert the messages via the steps below:
- Open a WhatsApp conversation
- Tap ‘More’
- Select ‘Export chat’
- Tap Telegram in the ‘Share with’ menu
For iOS, the steps below are:
- Open a WhatsApp conversation
- Tap the name or group chat name at the top of the screen
- Select ‘Export chat’
- Tap Telegram in the ‘Share with’ menu